

All about herbs , what they are useful for and when to use them. Check out our articles on herb and their healing powers. Herbal Information Portal. The use of culinary herbs will enhance the flavor of all of your culinary ideas.
06 Nov.
Rosi Stoyanova
Common HorsetailHerbsCommon Horsetail
04 Nov.
Rosi Stoyanova
Shepherd's PurseHerbsShepherd's Purse
01 Nov.
Rosi Stoyanova
Lily of the ValleyLily of the Valley
31 Oct.
Lily of the Valley / Convallaria majalis / is a herbaceous plant of the Convallaria family. The flowers are used to treat epilepsy.
30 Oct.
Belladonna / Atropa belladonna / , also known as Deadly Nightshade, is a perennial herb with thick white roots. Its Latin name (Atropa belladonna) is owed to the ancient Greek goddess Atropos.
Common ButterburCommon Butterbur
24 Oct.
Common butterbur / Petasites hybridus / also called Bog rhubarb, Devil's hat and Pestilence wort, is a perennial herb with a fleshy creeping rhizome.
22 Oct.
Iris is an herbaceous perennial plant of the Iridaceae family. Iris adapts to indoor growing conditions very easily.
18 Oct.
Toadflax / Linaria vulgaris / is a herbaceous perennial plant of the Linaria family. Toadflax is used as a mild laxative and diuretic agent, for gas and intestinal atony.
17 Oct.
Persian violet / Exacum affine / is a perennial plant that has glossy heart-shaped leaves. Among the 400 species of Gentiana, there are annual ones as well.
16 Oct.
Elecampane / Inula helenium L. / is a perennial herb with a thick, short rhizome with numerous roots. It is recommended that elecampane be grown in soils similar to those in its natural environment.
15 Oct.
Hawthorn / Crataegus / is a genus of flowering plants of the Rosaceae family. Hawthorn helps with insomnia and enhanced functioning of the thyroid gland.
11 Oct.
Great or Common Mullein / Verbascum Thapsus / is a biennial fuzzy-fiber plant with a deep root that belongs to the Mullein family. Mullein tea was used to relieve pain, especially arthritis.
10 Oct.
Orchid / Orchis maculata / is a perennial herbaceous plant with green succulent stems that are unbranched. There are several types of orchid, among which the most prominent are the purple, early purple and marsh types.