

Looking for information on Nitrates? Check out our latest articles on Nitrates.
27 Apr.
Nitrates enter the human body through food and drinking water. The permissible amount of nitrates in drinking water is 50 mg / L. Dangers of Nitrates On their own, nitrates are not a health risk....
Sodium NitriteSodium Nitrite
08 Mar.
Dangers of Sodium Nitrite Sodium nitrite is undoubtedly on the list of the most dangerous food additives used in the food industry....
Several Ways to Get Rid of the Nitrates in VegetablesSeveral Ways to Get Rid of the Nitrates in Vegetables
24 Apr.
But how do we deal with the large amounts of nitrates found in 90% of the veggies? The issue of nitrates in the fruits and vegetables that we consume is relevant almost year-round....
Can We Substitute Table Salt with Sea Salt?Can We Substitute Table Salt with Sea Salt?
23 Oct.
Unfortunately, the high amounts of nitrates in it lead to a series of health problems. Using sea salt is an excellent alternative. Sea salt contains loads more micronutrients when compared to sodium nitrate....
Basic Mistakes in the Preparation of SauerkrautBasic Mistakes in the Preparation of Sauerkraut
06 Sept.
This is a clear indication that cabbage has a high content of nitrates, ie obtaining the characteristic mucus....
Foods That Become Unhealthy After ReheatingFoods That Become Unhealthy After Reheating
05 June
Spinach - spinach is a product with extremely high levels of nitrates, which is why consuming it reheated can be very dangerous. The nitrates in this reheated vegetable can lead to carcinogenesis. 6....
Citric AcidCitric Acid
28 Nov.
Citric acid and vinegar, have the ability to neutralize the nitrates in fruits and vegetables....
Tips for Cooking Spinach and DockTips for Cooking Spinach and Dock
30 Apr.
If you want to protect yourself from nitrates, it is best to soak them in water for about 30 minutes, then wash them thoroughly and leave them to drain....
17 Mar.
Improves physical activity Dietary nitrates have been shown to improve muscle oxygenation during exercise. This suggests that higher nitrate intake may increase your physical activity and make you more durable....
Juice from Beetroots Instead of Blood Pressure PillsJuice from Beetroots Instead of Blood Pressure Pills
31 May
The juice from beetroots has an abundance of inorganic nitrates. These compounds are found in lettuce and cabbage....
Tangerines Cure A Bunch Of DiseasesTangerines Cure A Bunch Of Diseases
01 May
However, tangerines never contain nitrates because they cannot survive in the presence of citric acid. It is not difficult to choose the most delicious tangerine from the pile....
Dried Apples - Easy and DeliciousDried Apples - Easy and Delicious
03 May
They do not contain emulsifiers, nitrites, preservatives or coloring....
Don't Mix Foods if you Want to Live Long!Don't Mix Foods if you Want to Live Long!
25 July
They have been out in the sun a long time and the harmful pesticides and fertilizers have broken down, plus there won't be any nitrates present. Zucchini are incredibly healthy....