»Articles»Storage of Lettuce

Storage of Lettuce

Looking for information on Storage of Lettuce? Check out our latest articles on Storage of Lettuce.
Iceberg LettuceIceberg Lettuce
04 Mar.
Choosing and Storing Iceberg Lettuce Choose an iceberg lettuce that looks heavy for its size, with fresh leaves that are firm to the touch and without any rotten areas. Store it in a plastic bag in the fridge....
26 Jan.
To keep it fresh longer, wash it with cold water, drain well and store in an envelope in the lower compartment of the refrigerator, preferably without air in the bag....
25 Mar.
Selection and storage of sumac This is a popular spice in Arab countries. You can find it in Arab stores. The price is about 2 Euro for 100 g sumac. Store in cool, dry area away from sunlight....
Several Ways to Get Rid of the Nitrates in VegetablesSeveral Ways to Get Rid of the Nitrates in Vegetables
24 Apr.
It's been proven that the greatest amounts of nitrates are found in lettuce, spinach, red beets, radishes, Chinese cabbage, green onions, broccoli, cauliflower and carrots....
22 Dec.
Selection and storage of peppers Peppers are available year-round. They should be selected well formed, firm and glossy, which should feel heavy for their size....
How to Properly Wash Fresh Spices?How to Properly Wash Fresh Spices?
30 Nov.
Green spices should be washed even if you have grown them in your garden and not bought them at the market or store....
24 Apr.
Selection and storage of chervil Chervil can be purchased in dried form. It should be stored in a dry and cool place away from direct sunlight....
17 Jan.
The amount of calcium in the diet remains unchanged in cooking or after long storage....
Borage Against Bronchitis and ColdsBorage Against Bronchitis and Colds
25 Apr.
It can be bought from any pharmacy or specialized store. It restores moisture and smoothness to dry and damaged skin....
Lutein and ZeaxanthinLutein and Zeaxanthin
20 Jan.
Lutein is sensitive to the process of cooking and storage. Prolonged cooking of green leafy vegetables reduces their content of lutein....
Turkey MeatTurkey Meat
07 Aug.
You can use turkey for making sandwiches and burgers, serve turkey on lettuce with diced sweet potatoes, cranberries, walnuts and vinegreten sauce....
02 Feb.
Selection and storage of radishes When buying radishes, pay close attention to their shell....
27 Dec.
Nettle contains more vitamin C than some cultivars and wild herbs such as lettuce, broccoli, spinach, cauliflower, green beans and more....