
Rosi StoyanovaRosi Stoyanova

Langsat, Lansium domesticum, is a type of fruit tree from the Meliaceae family. Homeland of langsat is Malaysia, but is cultivated in the Philippines, Thailand, Vietnam, Indonesia, Hawaii and South India too.

Langsat grows wild in the forests of Sumatra. It is a symbol of one of the Thai provinces - Narativat. The tree reaches a height of 24 - 48 ft (8 to 16 meters), and its fruits have a slightly bitter taste and pleasant aroma.

The fruits are ovoid in shape, approximately 5 cm in diameter. Usually grow in clusters. Outside, langsat has a brown shell and its interior is firm and clear. The sharp scent of langsat resembles that of grapefruit. The appearance of the fruit gently remind one of the early potatoes.

The tree begins to bear fruit only when 12-15 years old. However, when the tree reaches the age of 20, the yield jumps to 220 lb (100 kg) of fruit per year. Peak season for the fruit is between July and September, although it is available all year round.

The timber of this fruit tree is thick, heavy, hard and strong, which makes it suitable for the construction of rural houses in the local areas. The largest producers of langsat are Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia and the Philippines. Production is mainly for domestic consumption, although some of them exported the fruit to Singapore and Hong Kong.

Langsat fruits

Composition of langsat

Langstat is rich in vitamin C and thiamin and riboflavin. Of mineral substances, the highest is the quantity of iron, calcium and phosphorus. The fruit contains large amounts of sugar and carbohydrates.

Selecting and storing langsat

You should know that a well-ripened langsat has a uniform color without cracks and concaves on the surface.

If the fruit is colored green or yellow-green, it indicates a still unripe fruit. Under the skin of langsat lies aromatic, juicy and sweet flesh. Ripe fruit can be stored frozen for up to 5 days.

Langsat in cooking

The fruits can be easily cleaned, even if the skin is quite thick. Langsat is an essential ingredient in many Asian dishes because it has an amazing taste that is a perfect complement to many foods.

Fruits of langsat are consumed fresh, and can be subjected to heat treatment. You can to make different syrups and sauces from it. Langsat be used to make ice cream, or refreshing drinks. Used to decorate cakes and other pastries.

Langsat fruit

The taste of the fruit blends very well with chicken and pork meat. When cooking it, be careful - langsat should be placed last in the dish because it does not require long for cooking. In the Philippines, dried seedless langsat fruits are like figs.

Benefits of langsat

The high content of ribovflavin in langsat makes it useful in migraines. Niacin and vitamin C in the fruit reduce bad cholesterol in the blood and at the same time help to promote the good cholesterol.

Bitter langsat seeds are used for decontamination and treatment of ulcers. Do not throw away the skin, because it can be helpful – dried and burning, the skin separates pleasant to humans but fatal to mosquitoes and other insects taste. A decoction of the young skin helps to treat malaria and dysentery.

In traditional medicine, they use crushed seeds of the fruits that help to remove lice, acting as an anthelmintic and reduce fever.

In addition, fruits help to improve sleep, improve memory and brain function. Langsat is an exotic fruit that is worth trying. It has an amazing combination of taste and health benefits.

Dangers of Langsat

Langsat should not be consumed by diabetics. Other people should not overdo consumption because it can lead to some negative effects.


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